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2021年考研英语大作文试卷解析(天津 )

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小编:??2021考研初试12月26~27日举行,2021考研初试环境(点击检察》》2021考研初试真题及谜底解析专题),第一时候为考生供给考研真题谜底及谜底解析内容,同时 考研西席将为考生供给视...

??2021考研初试12月26~27日举行,2021考研初试环境(点击检察》》2021考研初试真题及谜底解析专题),第一时候为考生供给考研真题谜底及谜底解析内容,同时 考研西席将为考生供给视频直播解析。直播进口|考研真题谜底专区

1. 试题:


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In youressay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your co妹妹ents.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

2. 范文:

Depicted in the picture above is a young boy attired in traditional Chine搜索引擎优化pera costume, playing the part of Sun Wukong, the heroic character in theJourney to the West, one of China’s Four Great Classical Novels. However, theboy seems a little depressed as he frowns and says to his father that many ofhis classmates find it boring to learn traditional Chinese drama. The father, bycontrast, wears a gentle smile and encourages his son to keep it up as long ashe himself has interest in it.

Simple as the picture appears to be, it clearly conveys to us that interestcomes first when we choose what we do or what we want to do. No matter how otherpeople think about us, we must have our independent and critical thinking sothat we can make decisions based on our own needs and actual conditions, so asnot to just follow the trends and lose ourselves. Besides, traditional Chine搜索引擎优化pera, as a bright pearl of the splendid Chinese culture, deserves moreattention and promotion in the whole society, especially among the youngstudents. They represent the future of our Chinese nation.

As is discussed above, we must realize the significance of interest in ourwork and life, and stick to what we have real passion for despite other people’sco妹妹ents.

At the same time, due measures should be taken to make traditionalChinese opera culture further promoted and popularized.





3. 解析:





